Guide for authors

Original research papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications can be submitted based on the understanding that the work is not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The author is responsible for the fidelity of names, quotations and formulae.

The title of the paper should correspond with its contents and should be decreased as much as possible.

The author’s original article, including the list of references, tables and figure captions, should not exceed one author’s signature – 40000 characters including spaces. Manuscripts should be typed with a font Times New Roman of 14pt in the MS-word format, with A4 paper size, single spacing, in one column with 2 cm margin at each side, 1 cm indent.

Figures should be formatted in *.JPEG or *.bmp. Caption should include name and be cited in the text by Arabic numerals (Fig.1 …). The text should include references to the provided figures. Diagrams, charts etc. should be created in MS Excel or MSGraph. Tables should have headings and order numbers. Text should include references to each table and include references to the provided tables.

References in the text should be given in [square brackets], the number of reference should correspond the number in the list of references in alphabetic order in the end of the article.

It is possible to give important words or phrases in bold type.

The manuscript should be presented in the following order.

1. The Universal decimal Classification number in the top left corner.

2. Author(s) name(s) are separated by comma.

3. The title of the paper should be short (not more than 10 words), precise and written without any abbreviations both in Russian and in English.

4. An abstract should include not more that 700 characters both in Russian and in English.

5. A list of about ten key words should be applied both in Russian and in English.

6. Bibliographic references should be applied according to State Standards 7.0.5-2008(in alphabetic order)

7. The manuscript should contain full name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s): scientific degree, position, workplace and complete mailing address. This information should be provided both in Russian and in English.

Our address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 58/60.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone number: +7(495) 951 2870

Note: materials of postgraduate students are published free. They are accepted for publication only with written recommendation of the academic adviser or the Head of the department.